speed-dreams-dev - 2024-05-16

  1. xavi

    Interesting stuff, J. Gonçalves . Although I assume this is not strictly related to the performance issues on SD, right?

  2. June Ravenmoon

    > <@xavi92:tedomum.net> Interesting stuff, J. Gonçalves . Although I assume this is not strictly related to the performance issues on SD, right? Inverted faces usually doesn't cause performance issues, it just looks bad once you notice.

  3. Leillo

    To check if it had an effect on performance I converted all Spa trees to a single visible side and found no difference.

  4. Leillo

    What I have noticed is that, for example, objects with two visible faces generate strange shadows. For example, a house with walls visible on both sides causes flickering, so try to avoid them as much as possible, and obviously a tree must be seen from any angle, although they are not usually problematic in that sense.

  5. Leillo


  6. Leillo

    madbad82: Does this have anything to do with what you were saying about the OpenGL version, the compatibility mode?

  7. madbad82


  8. madbad82

    It's basically the patch Joe proposed in the mailing list